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A Tragic Moose Encounter Claims Life of Alaskan Photographer

A 70-year-old local photographer, Dale Chorman, was fatally attacked by a moose while attempting to capture the beauty of her newborn calves. The incident, which occurred on May 19, 2024, has left the community in shock and mourning.

Chorman, a well-known figure in the area, was a carpenter, builder, naturalist, and bear guide who had made Alaska his home for decades. He was with another man, who has not been identified, when they encountered the protective mother moose and her calves. As they were walking through the brush, the cow moose charged at them, leading to the tragic outcome.

The Alaska State Troopers have confirmed the attack and are currently investigating the incident. The moose and her calves left the area after the attack, and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game is working with the troopers to review the incident and determine if the cow moose poses a public safety risk.

This unfortunate event serves as a reminder of the potential dangers of wildlife encounters, especially during the calving season when moose are known to be particularly aggressive in protecting their young. According to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, cow moose with calves are some of the more aggressive moose one might come in contact with.

Chorman's friend, Tom Kizzia, expressed hope that the cow moose would be left alone, stating that "Dale would have been the first to understand" that the mother was just doing what she needed to do to protect her offspring.

The incident has sparked discussions on the importance of respecting wildlife and maintaining a safe distance during such encounters. As we remember Dale Chorman and his passion for nature, let this serve as a poignant reminder of the delicate balance between human curiosity and the wild world we share with these magnificent creatures.[l

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