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Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: 7 Signs You Could Be Married to a Narcissist

A Narcissist

In marriages where one partner is a narcissist, the relationship dynamics can often become challenging and emotionally draining.  The primary symptoms that could signal that your spouse is engaging in narcissistic activities have been identified by professionals in the fields of psychology and connection counseling. Please keep an eye out for the following seven signs:

  • Constant Need for Admiration: Your partner can ask you and others for too much validation and attention. They may respond negatively to any apparent criticism since they are probably unduly preoccupied with their image.

  • Lack of Empathy: Clearly lacking empathy for others—including close family members—is a hallmark of narcissism. This can show up as apathetic to your emotions and an incapacity to identify or meet your emotional demands.

  • Manipulative Behaviors: Many times, narcissists control their spouses by means of emotional manipulation. This can entail gaslighting, in which case they reject your reality to cause you to question your sanity and senses.

  • Sense of Entitlement: If your spouse has an inflated sense of their own importance and believes they are entitled to special treatment without regard for others, it might be a red flag.

  • Frequent Put-Downs: Often in order to better themselves, narcissists devaluate others. Your partner may be displaying narcissistic behavior if they routinely mock or criticize you using sarcasm or insults.

  • Jealousy and Competitiveness: If a narcissistic spouse feels it compromises their own status or self-esteem, they may even compete with you or grow overly jealous of your achievements even within the partnership.

  • Avoidance of Responsibility: Usually avoiding owning their own mistakes, narcissists may point the finger at you or others for theirs.

The first step in addressing any problems within your relationship is to recognize these symptoms and the potential problems they may indicate. In order to successfully negotiate the complications of being married to someone who has narcissistic tendencies, individuals who are experts in the field recommend receiving professional assistance through counseling or therapy. If the narcissistic partner is willing to change, this not only provides support to the spouse who does not exhibit narcissistic tendencies, but it also has the potential to lead to improved comprehension and behavioral modifications on their side.

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